

1580 Route 376
Wappingers Falls
NY 12590
(845) 462-0810



The Worship and Music Council provides advice and counsel to the Pastor concerning the content of worship services, and recruits worship assistants. It also administers the projection of worship aids and announcements as well as audio and video streaming to Facebook, YouTube, and this website. The Council provides oversight for the music program and its staff and maintains job descriptions and contracts for the music staff. It also administers two music scholarships. They are the Betty B. Garee Memorial Scholarship and the Vincent and Mary Kelley Music Award. The Council has a budget which includes items for Pulpit Supply, Worship Support (communion supplies, candles, etc.), Vocal and Handbell Choir Music, Music Equipment & Supplies and Flowers. The Council also oversees the team of ushers and greeters. The Council brings its reports and recommendations to the Consistory. The Worship & Music Council is always open to anyone who wants to offer an idea or opinion. They can be emailed to Roger Eddy (  The Council is currently meeting on the first Tuesday of the month (Sept – June) at 4:30 p.m.

Vocal Choir
The Chancel Choir rehearses on selected Sunday Mornings at 9:15 to 9:50 and sings during Worship at least once a month.
Also we try to offer what we call “Special Music” on Sundays when the choir is not singing. Anyone or group who wants to play or sing or anyone interested in joining the Chancel Choir should contact Vocal Choir Director Kris Rizzo (

Handbell Choir
Handbell Rehearsals are held on Monday evenings, Sept. through May at 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary Choir loft. We need new ringers! If you are interested in joining the handbell choir, please contact Pat McCullough (

Members of the Worship & Music Council
Roger Eddy (Co-chair), Pam Kara (Co-chair), Mary Ann Bahnsen, Jim Ray, Skip Rizzo, Kristina Rizzo (Vocal Director), Pat McCullough (Bell Choir Director), Gabriella Fryer (Organist) and Reverend Keith Tamlyn (Pastor)