The Stewardship Committee is responsible for organizing the annual pledge drive. However, stewardship involves more than just financial contributions. You can also contribute to the work of the church by volunteering your time and special talents. There are many ways to get involved- try one!
- Ushers and greeters
- Sunday school teachers and substitutes
- Singing, ringing, or other instrumental music
- Cooking: Souper Supper Servers, Lunch Box, Meals on Wheels, homeless shelter meals, Lenten dinners
- Coffee hour host
- Maintenance of church grounds (mowing, shoveling, weeding, raking, etc.) and general repairs
- PIggy Bank Bazaar crafts/take-home kit creation
- Shepherd Area volunteers, meals for funerals or family emergencies
- Audio/visual recording of church services
- Come up with a fun event for the congregation and pass it along to the Congregational Life Council
- Get involved with one of the councils or committees
Stewardship Representatives
Dave Merte (co-chair),
Tina Brent
(co-chair), and Rev. Keith Tamlyn